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Dear FAFS community


Happy New Year! Before we fully leap into 2024, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the year that was 2023 in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. 


Over the course of the year, we celebrated student, staff and alumni achievements, welcomed new community members, and introduced new academic and research programs.


None of these accomplishments were achieved in isolation. A huge thanks goes out to our students, faculty, staff, valued friends, and partners for their collaborative efforts in shaping our curriculum, fostering unique student experiences, and preparing our graduates to contribute to their communities and to the world beyond. I continue to be impressed by our students, not only for their academic and research accomplishments, but also for their commitment to professional and personal growth.


As announced last July, the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) has extended my appointment as Dean for two additional years, from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025. I appreciate the letters sent to the Provost to endorse the reappointment and am truly grateful for the support of the Provost and the Faculty.  I am excited to continue to work with our students and the Faculty’s partners (within and outside the university) to advance education, training and research in agriculture, food and nutrition.


Here are my Top Ten highlights, selected from among many in 2023:


  1. Convocation is always a time to celebrate student success. In turn, our students recognize that success depends on the dedication of their teachers.
  2. The diligent efforts of both staff and students culminated in the launch of a new academic program, the Masters in Applied Human Nutrition, with the first cohort of students starting in Fall 2023.
  3. Thanks to strong donor support, we kicked off the RBC Scholars in Sustainable Agriculture which will provide enriched research experiences for up to 45 undergraduate and graduate students.
  4. Four new academics from a variety of backgrounds joined us as the Faculty continues to revitalize our academic core.
  5. With the support of external partners, the Faculty announced a new Manitoba Strategic Research Chair in Sustainable Protein and the inaugural Jarislowsky Chair in Natural Systems Agriculture for Climate Solutions.
  6. 2023 marked a big year for infrastructure renewal in the Faculty, from the new Manitoba Egg Farmers Learning and Research Facility to the Carman Field Equipment Facility. Additionally, the Prairie Crops and Soils Research Facility fundraising campaign reached its target.
  7. The Faculty continues to be proud of the accomplishments of our alumni/ae.  In 2023, two FAFS alumni were recognized for their community contributions.
  8. Our researchers also received national and international recognition for their accomplishments.
  9. The highly popular Discover the Farm event once again drew hundreds of visitors to Glenlea Research Station and the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre.
  10. Finally, I encourage you to check out some highlights of research and innovation in our Faculty in our new podcast series called ChangeMAKErs.

As we enter a new year, I want us to use the momentum of these and other activities to drive excellence in what the Faculty does. The hard work, passion, and dedication demonstrated by each member of our community are instrumental in defining the Faculty’s success. Together we are capable of great things and I look forward to our shared successes in 2024.


Martin Scanlon, C&G, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
Ph: 204 474-9380


PS – if you are attending Manitoba Ag Days next week, please join us for an alumni reception!