Do you have stuff in your closet that you need to get rid of but have not yet?  Looking for a great excuse to give back to the community!!!! JSA/Hillel has the perfect fundraiser for you.  On Nov. 25th @ University of Manitoba  - 1st floor, Nov. 26@ Gray Academy and Dec. 2, 2009 at U of Wpg, Alix Billinkoff and Lauren Tennhouse have arranged to have a physical bathtub at each campus for all of your slightly used clothing toys baby articles and new toiletries to be donated.  All items will be donated to Osborne House a haven for Women and Children of Domestic Violence.  Come and support this great cause.




Samantha Loxton

Director of Campus Life/Israel Experience Centre

C300-123 Doncaster Street

Winnipeg, MB R3N 2B2



Ask about the combined Jewish Appeal Endowment Fund