Hart Jacob

Director, Jewish Campus Life,

Jewish Federation of Winnipeg

P: 204 918-2358 www.jewishwinnipeg.org


From: Jay Solomon [mailto:jsolomon@cija.ca]
Sent: January-11-11 12:17 PM
To: Pat Johnson; Hart Jacob; avi@jewishwestern.ca; shirin.ezekiel@hilleltoronto.org; Ben Singer; jason@hillel.ca; jessica.gilbert@hilleltoronto.org; efrat@cjcc.ca; frontdesk@edjfed.org; dschwartz4@cogeco.ca; hgoldberg@uiafed.org; robert.nagus@gmail.com; bchernin@theajc.ns.ca; Jessica; Areivim@sasktel.net; elise.loterman@hilleltoronto.org; uvicdirector@vancouverhillel.ca; Faye Rosenberg-Cohen; Jillian Lapedus; Yacov Fruchter; erin.cohen@hilleltoronto.org; Emily Berg; Joel Pearl
Subject: FW: BUYcott Israel Alert: Shop AHAVA at The Bay


Please share with your students ASAP.




Jay M Solomon B.A. (Hons), B.Ed.
Manager, Advocacy
University Outreach Committee, CIJA
416-925-7499 x241




From: Canada-Israel Committee [mailto:news=cicweb.ca@mail28.us2.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of Canada-Israel Committee
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:40 AM
To: Susan Davis
Subject: BUYcott Israel Alert: Shop AHAVA at The Bay


Canada-Israel Committee Logo      BUYcott Israel

We apologize if you have already received this information from another source.

Jan. 11, 2011

URGENT BUYcott Israel Alert: Shop AHAVA at The Bay

The Bay department stores across Canada have been targeted by boycotters for carrying AHAVA Beauty Products from Israel. The store is under enormous pressure to drop the line.

It is URGENT that you visit your local Bay and purchase AHAVA products within the next 48 hours. Be sure to thank the store for carrying AHAVA.

As well, please write to The Bay executives, urging them to continue stocking AHAVA products:
Richard Baker, Chairman,
Bonnie Brooks, President and CEO
Shelley Rozenwald, Director of Beauty Products

For more information, go to the BUYcott Israel website http://buycottisrael.ca/alerts, join BUYcott Israel on Facebook, and follow BUYcott Israel (@BuyIsrael) on Twitter.


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