
CFJS is a proud member of the World Union of Jewish Students

In June, the Canadian Federation of Jewish Students will be presenting its second annual national awards. CFJS will be honouring exceptional student leaders who
have contributed to national Jewish campus life. These awards are bestowed on students who have excelled in the areas of activism,
Jewish identity, community involvement and social action, which are pillars of CFJS.
We are seeking nominations for student leaders who fit these profiles. Please read below for more information about the various awards and the nomination process.
We are proud to be able to give recognition to such valuable members of our community, and we look forward to your nominations.
Shabbat Shalom.
Roxie Lewin
Chair, CFJS Student Awards Committee University of Victoria, BC
Important Award Information
Individuals may be nominated for this award by:
A member of the external community;
A member of the faculty/staff;
A fellow student;
The student him/herself.
If applying, please send a letter - as a
document attached to an e-mail - describing why the student/group you nominate
should be considered for an award. In your letter, you must include:
· Student's/Group's name
· University he or she
attends/group is associated with
· Year in school
· Why you think this
student is an "Exemplar of Excellence," including examples that demonstrates
this individual's unique contributions to Hillel/Jewish campus groups and the community.
Due Date:
All nominations are due by Friday, April 30, 2009. The selection
committee will select award recipients no later than Friday, May 14, 2010.
Please submit the nominations to the following e-mail address: cfjs.awards@gmail.com
you have any questions or inquiries please contact us at cfjs.awards@gmail.com
CFJS Awards Committee
Award 1 - Award for Exemplary Leadership Throughout University Career
This is to be awarded to a Jewish student who has
demonstrated exemplary leadership in his/her campus communities throughout his/her
university career. This student
has gained the respect of his/her peers for his/her dedication to the Jewish and
campus community. Nominees for this award must be graduating students.
Has had at least two years of service in the
campus community
Has demonstrated the ability to inspire
leadership in others
Has made a significant contribution to campus
Has helped foster a positive campus atmosphere
for his/her fellow Jewish students
Award 2 - Dugma Award - Award for exceptional leadership and dedication to Jewish values and Jewish campus life
This is to be awarded to a student who has demonstrated a
continued dedication to Jewish values through his/her role on campus and/or
through an initiative he/she has implemented. The student will have shared his/her passion for
Judaism with others by creatively engaging with students.
Has engaged other Jewish students to get
involved with Jewish identity programming. ·
Has reached out to students of other faiths and
backgrounds ·
Has helped create a positive space for Jewish
learning on his/her campus |
Award 3 - Community Partnership Award
This is to be awarded to a student, Jewish or non-Jewish, who
has worked closely with a Jewish campus organization, in his/her role as a
student leader in another campus organization (Student Union, Campus Club etc...).
Has helped to facilitate partnerships with
Jewish clubs on campuses
Has helped to foster a healthy and safe
environment on campus for both Jewish and non-Jewish students
Has demonstrated unparalleled initiative in
advocating for the rights of Jewish and/or Pro-Israel students
Award 4 - Award for Exceptional Activism
This is to be awarded to a Jewish student who has
demonstrated exceptional dedication to combating Antisemitism and
anti-Israelism on campus. This
student has both spoken out and stood up for Jewish students on campus and in
the broader community in a professional and effective manner.
Has been proactive throughout the year in
advocating for the rights of Jewish students and Israel on campus
Has been involved in and facilitated with advocacy
programming on his/her campus
Has demonstrated unwavering leadership abilities
Has helped to unite Jewish and non-Jewish
students on campus
Has helped to foster a good image for both
Israel and Jewish students on campus
Award 5 - Award for Collective Advocacy Initiative
This is to be awarded to the Jewish campus organization
(JSA, Hillel, IAC, individual committee, or another Jewish student organization),
which has most effectively implemented an impactful initiative or campaign,
either in the realm of Jewish advocacy or Israel advocacy. In order to allow for creativity, there
are no specific criteria for this award.