Hi everyone - quick e-mail:
1. Punchline for Peace is tonight - there are still a few tickets left that will be sold at the West End Cultural Centre, $8, show starts at 8 PM.
2. Israel Display - we still need people to help out at our tables! U of M: 10 AM - 2:30 PM, Thursday March 11, University Centre. Contact me if you can come any time in there. If you're at U of W and want to help out, contact Ashley (ashleyfaintuch@gmail.com). We're going to be giving out falafel, so come by for a moment anyhow!
3. Anyone interested in participating in the JSA Manitoba Marathon Relay Team (June 20) can contact me.
4. For anyone who is signed up for birthright this coming spring/summer: There is still an option of joining the Canadian Federation of Jewish Students (CFJS) birthright trip instead. This is also a free birthright trip to Israel (in May) except this trip has an added, "Jewish community leadership" twist. Anyone interested can contact me, or Samantha Banks (the CFJS President) at sambanks@cfjs.ca.
5. Posters for additional upcoming happenings are attached/below.
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