JSA Elections:


Forward this email to jsa-elections@hotmail.com. Please below mark with an “X” next to your option.

The poll closes Saturday at 7:30pm. If you are Shomer Shabbat vote as soon as you can…


President UW: Matthew Sodomsky

            Yes _____   Abstain ______

President UM: Isanne Schacter

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


VP UW: Alan Shumley / Jordana Greenberg

            Alan _____   Jordana ______  Abstain ________


VP UM: Rebecca Ginzburg

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


Med-School Rep: Sarah Freedman

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


Red River College Rep: Vacant


Israel Affairs Chair (2): Vacant


Tzedek Hillel (Social Action) Chair: Vacant


Shabbat Dinners Coordinator: Madeline Kowall

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


Holocaust Awareness & Anti-Semitism Chair: Vacant


Social Chair: Alysha Fox

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


Cultural & Religious Chair: Sara Greenfield

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


Membership Coordinator: Vacant


Secretary: Vacant


Women’s Programming Chair: Shira Zipursky

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


Treasurer: Lana Rosenfield

            Yes _____   Abstain ______


1st Year Representative (2): Vacant


Media and Communication Chair: Gadi Glogowski

            Yes _____   Abstain ______