Hasbara Fellowships in Israel

May 11, 2008 - May 27, 2008

For Canadians

Hasbara Fellowships in Israel

May 20, 2008 - June 5, 2008

June 15, 2008 - July 1, 2008

For all North Americans

Hasbara Fellowships To Poland and Israel

June 15, 2008 - July 1, 2008

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All Eyes on Genocide

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West

Top Articles

The Arab 'Right of Return' to Israel by Rachel Neuwirth

Discrediting the libel of an Israeli "original sin" against the Palestinian Arabs...Read

The U.S.- Israel Relationship: Fact and Fiction by David Harris

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My Cab Ride to Beirut by David Bogner

Sometimes the greatest journey is to travel beyond your fear of the unknown...Read

Inside Sderot by Noam Bedein

Arabs from Gaza are barraging residents of Sderot with steel rockets. An insider's view...Read

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Israel 360 @ UC Santa Barbara
January 29, 2008

Israel360 @ Florida Atlantic University
February 07, 2008

David Olesker @ Calgary
February 11, 2008

Ken Spiro @ Dalhousie
February 12, 2008

Krav Maga @ University of Michigan
February 12, 2008

Israel On Campus Coalition