JSA/Hillel – News and events

This email includes:

-          Hasbara Fellowships

-          Metro Trip

-          Little Traveller Dolls  



Hasbara Fellowships





The Metro Trip





Little Traveller Dolls

HIV AIDS Initiative




JSA is partnering with a local organization Simunye initiative.




The dolls cost $5.00 and are all original and unique (make great Valentines Day presents) and are MADE by somebody affected by AIDS in South Africa.

The dolls are made in South Africa; some of the money goes to the person making the dolls who is a crafter, thereby supporting a family affected by AIDS. The rest of the money goes to support the home-based care programming of the Hillcrest AIDS centre trust.

So 100% of the money goes back to South Africa.


Anyone can order them by emailing simunye.united@gmail.com


Questions, Suggestions and/or Concerns: info@jsawinnipeg.org