Dear all,


See included below from Alex Neve of AI.


We/HRREC have agreed to endorse this.  Please consider joining.


Best wishes,

John Packer

From: Alex Neve <>
Sent: 29 February 2020 17:24
To: Alex Neve <>; Ann Harrison <>
Subject: Endorsing global statement re: Saudi Arabia G20 civil society process


Attention : courriel externe | external email

Dear friends,


Sorry for the last minute nature of this. Hoping you may be interested in joining us in endorsing a public statement about the 2020 G20 year (being hosted in Saudi Arabia). Below you will find a public statement from Transparency International, Civicus and Amnesty International explaining why we are not engaging with the G20’s Civil Society Process  this year.  I am sending this to you to see if your organizations would like to sign up to the Statement, if you have not already done so. The Statement is available in English, Arabic French and Spanish:


Joint statement (English)

Joint statement (Arabic)

Joint Statement (French)

Joint Statement (Spanish)


We would need to know by next Tuesday, 3 March  at the latest your interest in joining us in this action.


Should you be interested in signing please reply to this email, copying my colleague Ann Harrison,, at our International Secretariat, who is also copied in this email and who is leading in this.


Once we have a final list of organizations interested in joining, we will update the statements online with all names, and inform you of our media plans around this.


Best wishes,



Alex Neve (he/him)

Secretary General

Amnesty International Canada

(English branch)

+1 613 744 7667 extension 234



On unceded Algonquin territory at:

312 Laurier Avenue East

Ottawa, Ontario

K1N 1H9  Canada