Caution! This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba. |
Dear colleagues,
I hope this message finds you very well, especially in light of these turbulent times.
We are writing because we would like to schedule a call of the Canadian Association of Human Rights Institutes (CAHRI) to discuss pressing issues regarding our structure and organization, as well as potential joint initiatives.
Please respond to the following poll by this Friday so we can choose the best date for the majority of representatives. An outlook invitation will follow next week.
Very best wishes,
Viviana A. Fernandez
Directrice associée / Associate Director
Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne /
Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Le CREDP a célébré
ses 40 ans (1981 – 2021) /
HRREC celebrated its 40 years (1981 – 2021)
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You can also contact me via Teams (uOttawa).