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Dear colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you an invitation to participate, in person or virtually, in the 3rd annual conference of the Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas which is a project
our Centre has co-led since 2021. Please feel free to share the news with interested academics, research partners and graduate students.
Very best wishes,
Viviana A. Fernandez
Directrice associée / Associate Director
Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne /
Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa
Twitter: @vafi1217
Le CREDP a célébré
ses 40 ans (1981 – 2021) /
HRREC celebrated its 40 years (1981 – 2021)
Vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec moi via Teams (uOttawa).
| You can also contact me via Teams (uOttawa).
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