Greetings CAHRI Colleagues,


I hope you are all well, safe and healthy!


Attached is the Winter 2022 edition of the Atlantic Human Rights Centre’s Human Rights News. Under separate cover, you should have also received an invitation to the 2022 Lodhi Memorial Lecture in Human Rights, which this year will be given by Dr John Borrows on the theme of ‘The Resurgence of Indigenous Law’, taking place on Thursday March 3 at 7.00 pm AST online via Zoom. Registration information was included in the invitation and is also provided in the newsletter attached.


You would be most welcome and I hope to see you there.


Meanwhile, all the best.




Dr Shannonbrooke Murphy

Endowed Chair in Human Rights

Assistant Professor, Human Rights Department

Acting Director, Atlantic Human Rights Centre

St Thomas University

51 Dineen Drive, Fredericton NB  E3B 5G3


Office: Holy Cross House Room 108 (+1) 506-452-9653


We recognize and respectfully acknowledge that the land on which St. Thomas University is situated is the unsurrendered and unceded traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik.