McGill Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism
April 2022 Newsletter
Upcoming events:
  • April 7: Circulation des criminels et crimes des haine en DRC with Valentin Migabo
  • April 8: The 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter: Unfinished Business, co-hosted by Colleen Sheppard and Vrinda Narain
  • April 11: Drone Programs in International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery with Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi
  • April 20: Trafficking and Law Enforcement paper discussion with Olivia Smith
Upcoming Events
Black man wearing blue polo with white dots
Circulation des criminels et crimes de haine en RDC
A CHRLP/O'Brien Seminar

with Valentin Migabo
Moderated by René Provost

Thursday, April 7, 1:00-2:30 PM (ET)
Location TBC
Registration required
This event will take place in French.
For in-person guests, masks will be required.

La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est un État situé au centre de l’Afrique. Le pays fait face aux violences atroces depuis 1996. Divers massacres ont été commis, mais la plupart des auteurs sont actuellement disculpés et certains occupent des fonctions décisionnelles. La fin des parcours judiciaires des criminels ainsi que leur redéploiement sur les lieux des crimes mettent actuellement les victimes à l’épreuve, loin des observateurs. See here for more event details.

About the speaker
Politologue et spécialiste en gestion des conflits et de la paix, Valentin Migabo peut enfin publier ses travaux sur la situation qui règne dans la région des Grands lacs, en Afrique, minée par plus de 20 ans de conflits. Depuis mai 2019, il est le premier chercheur invité par le comité Scholars at Risk de l’UQAM (SAR/ Universitaires en danger, en français). Ce réseau universitaire permet à des chercheurs de partout dans le monde, et dont la vie est menacée, d'obtenir des postes dans des universités où ils pourront effectuer leurs recherches en sécurité et en toute liberté. Read more about Valentin here.
Hands with purple nails holding copies of the Canadian Charter
The 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Charter: Unfinished Business
A CHRLP event

Co-hosted by Colleen Sheppard, Vrinda Narain
with Mirja Trilsch, Sébastien Jodoin, François Crépeau, Tamara Thermitus, Joshua Nichols and Colleen Sheppard
and moderated by Nandini Ramanujam, Vrinda Narain

Friday, April 8, 9:15 AM-1:00 PM (ET)
On Zoom: click here to access the event. See here for more event information and the event program.

As we approach the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the constitutional recognition of Indigenous rights, it is timely to reflect upon the impact of these constitutional reforms. This workshop is aimed at mobilizing and sharing critical reflections regarding the meaning and application of diverse constitutional rights and freedoms, including theoretical, comparative, and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Zoom April 8:
White drone on black background
Drone Programs in International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery
with Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi
Moderated by Frédéric Mégret
Monday, April 11, 1:00-2:30 PM (ET)
Room 202
& on Zoom:
Registration required:
For in-person guests, masks will be required.

Drone Programs and International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery (forthcoming, CUP) tells a story about how war, technology and the law interact and reshape one another. It does so by examining drone programs as a network, embedded in a social and historical context, of interacting and interdependent factors including the contemporary technological capacities of drones, law and military strategy. This interplay emerges from the analysis of the use of drones by the United States, the United Kingdom and France in the counterterrorism context.

Legal scholarship on drones has denied that there was anything special to drones’ technology. On the contrary, I show that anticipatory warfare is facilitated and intensified by the capabilities of military drones and that the related legal rationales are made more acceptable by drones’ technical advances. Besides, I focus on the discreet and long-term implications of drone programs. I show that when institutionalized, like it has been in the US, drone programs invest the human bodies through individualized and constant observation, thereby modifying habits and behaviour. Institutionalized use of thereby consists, I argue, in rituals of sovereignty through which the operating state extends its power over populations living under drones.

About the speaker
Dr Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi is Lecturer in International Law and Security at the University of Manchester and the Public International Law / International Law & Security LLMs/MA Programme Director. Her book Drone Programs and International Law: A Techno-Legal Machinery is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. Rebecca holds a PhD from the European University Institute and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavis is the Managing Editor of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, an Associate Fellow at the T.M.C. Asser Institute, and a Research Fellow at the International Center for Counter-Terrorism. Since 2020, Rebecca is a Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War.
Her research interests are in public international law, legal theory, international humanitarian law, human rights law and (international and European) criminal law. Her most recent work reflects on global security architectures as sites of lawmaking.
Read more about Rebecca here.
Policeman dressed in uniform standing at the corner of a street facing away from camera
The impact of law enforcement agencies perceptions on human trafficking in Canada
A CHRLP/O'Brien Seminar

with Olivia Smith

Wednesday, April 20, 1:00-2:30 PM (ET)
Location TBC
Registration required:
For in-person guests, masks will be required.

The Ministry of Public Security reports of 2021 show that human trafficking in Canada increased while the number of prosecution of cases remain low. Progress in combatting human trafficking has been sidelined due to the COVID 19 pandemic and there is urgent need to reprioritize addressing the crime of human trafficking.

About the speaker
Dr. Olivia Smith is a Consultant on labour migration and human trafficking and the Executive Director for the Caribbean Anti Human Trafficking Foundation. She has worked with several regional and international institutions including the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) as Project Lead on Trafficking in Persons (Barbados) and with The British Institute of International and Comparative Law Institute (BIICL) as National Consultant on Human Trafficking in Guyana. Read more about Olivia here.
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Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism · Chancellor Day Hall · 3644 Peel Street 
Montreal, QC H3A 1W9 · Canada 

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