For further information, and accommodation enquiries, please contact Professor Dorothy Severin ( before 9th of September. Register will take place on the day. 

That’s Not Funny, Is It?:

Humour in Medieval Iberian Culture

20-21 September 2004


Room 209, Modern Languages Building, Chatham Street,

University of Liverpool



20th September 2004

Arrival: Registration on arrival; Sandwiches will be served


Session 1: Opening Plenary

2.15    Prof. Joseph Snow Humour in the Cantigas d’escarnho

Chair: Prof Dorothy S. Severin (Liverpool)


3.30-4.00:            Afternoon Tea


Session 2: The Fourteenth Century

4.00-4.40: Dr Louise Haywood (Trinity Hall), ‘Who Bests Who? The Greek, the Roman, and the Archpriest’

4.40-5.20: Dr Barry Taylor (British Library), ‘Where's the joke? Strategies for Identifying Humour in El conde Lucanor"


Conference Dinner:            7pm: Carvery, Adelphi Hotel


21st September 2004

Session 3: The Fifteenth Century / 1

9.15-9.55: Prof Robert Archer (Durham), ‘Jacme Roig's Lo spill and the Problem of Humour in Misogynism’ Dr Andrew M. Beresford (Durham), ‘Humour in the Minor Poems of Juan Rodríguez del Padrón'

10.35-11.15: Prof. David Mackenzie (Cork) 'Venus in the Cockle: Sentimental Pilgrimage in the Siervo libre de amor'


11.15-11.45            Morning Coffee


Session 4: Plenary

11.45-12.45   Prof. Louise O. Vasvári (SUNY, SB, and New York University), ‘Juan Ruiz’ is a joke…

Chair: Dr Louise M. Haywood (Cambridge)


12.45-2pm Lunch; sandwiches will be served


Session 5: The Fifteenth Century / 2 

2.10-2.50: Prof. Dorothy S. Severin (Liverpool), ‘Parody in Sentimental Romance’

2.50-3.30: Roger Wright (Liverpool): ‘Humour in the Oral Romancero: How Would We Know?’


3.30: Afternoon tea/ end of conference