Two short term faculty positions have been opened at the College of William & Mary.  Please spread the good news and encourage applications.  I am chairing the search for the three-year linguistics position and will do everything I can to welcome and support the one-year visiting hispanomedievalist during my sabbatical.  See for full information.

¡felices fiestas a todos!
george greenia

Visiting Assistant Professor of Medieval Iberian Studies
The Department of Modern Languages invites applications for a one-year replacement position in Hispanic Studies at the Assistant Professor level, beginning August 2010. Specialization in Medieval Iberian Studies. Six course load per year. Review of applications begin January 15, 2010 and will continue until position is filled.  

Instructor in Spanish Language and Linguistics
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures of the College of William and Mary invites applications for the position of Instructor in Hispanic Studies. This is an annual appointment, renewable by mutual consent, up to three years, beginning August 10, 2010. Duties may include coordinating language program, teaching language courses and offering an advanced course in area of specialization; six course load per year. Review of applications will begin January 15, 2010 and will continue until position is filled. 

George D. Greenia, Editor at Large, La corónica
Dept. of Modern Languages, PO Box 8795
College of William & Mary
Williamsburg, VA  23187-8795
tel  757-221-3676; fax  757-221-3637
La corónica,
American Pilgrim,