Dear Colleague,
I attach, and paste below the programme and registration form.


Humour in Medieval Iberian Culture


20-21 September 2004


University of Liverpool



Plenary speakers:


Prof. Joseph Snow, Humour in the cantigas de escarhno

Prof. Louise Vasvári, ‘Juan Ruiz’ is a joke…




Prof Robert Archer (Durham), ‘Jacme Roig's Lo spill and the Problem of Humour in Misogynism’

Dr Andrew M. Beresford (Durham), ‘Humour in the Minor Poems of Juan Rodríguez del Padrón'

Dr Louise M. Haywood (Cambridge), ‘Uses of the Fabliau: Scandalous Laughter and Sermon Humour in Don Juan Manuel’s El Conde Lucanor and Juan Ruiz’s Libro de Buen Amor

Prof. Benjamin Liu (Connecticut) ‘At Your Expense: Jokes on Misers in the 13th-Century’

Prof. David Mackenzie (Cork) 'Venus in the Cockle: Sentimental Pilgrimage in the Siervo libre de amor'

Prof. Dorothy S. Severin (Liverpool), ‘Parody in Sentimental Romance’

Dr Barry Taylor (British Library), ‘Where's the Joke?  Strategies for Identifying Humour in El conde Lucanor

Prof Roger Wright (Liverpool): "Humour in the Oral Romancero: how would we know?"



Conference organizers:


Dr Louise M Haywood                    Prof Dorothy S. Severin

Trinity Hall                                          School of Modern Languages (Hispanic Studies)

Cambridge                                        Modern Languages Building

CB1 2PR                                           Chatham Street


                                    L69 7ZR

01223 332522                                   0151 794 2775/ 2774                 


That’s Not Funny, Is It?:

Humour in Medieval Iberian Culture

20-21 September 2004

University of Liverpool





Address for Correspondence:…………………………………………………………………







Please enclose a cheque/ international bankers’ order made payable to The University of Liverpool. Would you like a receipt? (YES/NO) IF so, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.


NB: The conference fee excludes all meals but includes refreshments on both days.



Complete details as necessary

Adephi Hotel

Student hostel*

B&B 20th September


£ 50.00

* Rates unconfirmed – we can confirm once numbers are known


B&B 21st September


£ 50.00

B&B 22nd September


£ 50.00

Conference Fee


£ 10.00 (both days)

£6 (one day)


£ 8.00 (flat rate)






Audio-visual requirements (for conference paper)…………………………………………..


Do you have any special catering requirements?……………………………………………


Any other requirements, such as those relating to mobility and visual or other impairment?




Would you like to attend the conference dinner? (Pay at the dinner itself) ……………….


Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Date: ……………………



Dr Louise Haywood ( Trinity Hall, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TJ

by August 12th 2004 to guarantee accommodation.

Best wishes,
Louise M. Haywood, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
University Senior Lecturer in Medieval Spanish Studies, University of Cambridge
Joint Schools' Liaison Officer, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge
Fellow in Spanish & Tutor, Trinity Hall, Cambridge
External Director of Studies, St John's College, Cambridge
Secretary, Association of Hispanists of Great Britain & Ireland

Postal Address: Trinity Hall, Cambridge, CB2 1TJ
Tel: 01223 332522; Fax: 01223 332537