Hi all,


Off Campus Students  - DISTANCE ED/CONTINUING EDUCATION students do not have 14 digit #

Verify who they are by:


Asking them their name.

When you find them in Alma, ask for their student number.

                      They will probably give you the 7 digit.

                      Match up the 7 digit within the 14 digit.

                      Ask them for another piece of information to verify, such as  email address, etc.


Once verified, check their account to make sure all is well


No fines or fees

No overdue materials

No blocks or notes

If all is well or if you are working during the evenings or weekends: 


Give them their 14 digit number.   Most Distance Ed/Continuing Education students only know their 7 digit student number.

Reset their password.

AND IF POSSIBLE: Get their email, send them the UML sign in page, and stay on the phone until you are sure they are logged in:  https://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/pds?func=load-login&institute=UMB&calling_system=primo&lang=eng&url=http://primo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com:80/primo_library/libweb/action/login.do?targetURL=http%3a%2f%2fprimo-pmtna01.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com%2fprimo_library%2flibweb%2faction%2fsearch.do%3fdscnt%3d2%26amp%3bindx%3d1%26amp%3bfromLogin%3dtrue%26amp%3btab%3dumb_cr%26amp%3bdstmp%3d1390508954727%26amp%3bvid%3dUMB%26amp%3bfn%3dsearch%26amp%3bmode%3dBasic%26initializeIndex%3dtrue


IF ALL IS NOT WELL/Patron not in ALMA 


      Refer  Distance Ed/Continuing Ed./OFF CAMPUS students to Gaitree Boyd, the Off Campus Library Services Assistant:  474-9183.

    Off Campus Students can be complicated, and Gaitree has the tools to deal with them. Gaitree’s email:  Gaitree.Boyd@umanitoba.ca

                          Email Gaitree the person’s 14 digit number

                          Or transfer the phone call to Gaitree’s VM x9183


For more information on how the library helps Off Campus Students, see their Lib guide:  libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/Offcampuslibraryservices





Gaitree Boyd

Off-Campus Library Services

Elizabeth Dafoe Library

University of Manitoba

