Hello everyone.
This is an update to a few things going on with VR.
VR Staffing
I am pleased to welcome Jennifer Borgfjord-Mcleod and Tomaz Booth who will cover the following VR shifts beginning Sunday, November 2, 2014:
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 5:00 - 9:00 pm
- Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm
We still need coverage on Friday afternoons until October 31, 2014 and I ask those who have been covering Friday afternoon shifts to continue until that date.
Thank you for your help during this transition period!
Checking VR E-mail
The schedule for checking e-mail received from
Ask a Librarian needed updating.
The updated schedule has been posted at:
Please have a look at the schedule to see when your Library is due to check e-mails from patrons.
If you need to know the email account and password to access VR e-mail, please contact me.
I thought it might be helpful to have a list of current information on library services that our patrons may inquire about through VR.
The following tab in the VR staff guide has been created:
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about our VR service, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you!
VR Cooridnator
Bill Poluha
Sciences and Technology Library
Machray Hall Office: 204.474.6197
University of Manitoba Mobile: 204.293.5635
Winnipeg, MB. Canada R3T 2N2 E-mail: Bill.Poluha@umanitoba.ca