Here’s the survey for the patron testers.  Please give it a test and let me know if something doesn’t work or if I should change any of the wording.


I’ll have the agent survey ready to go soon




From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Poluha
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 1:04 PM
To: VR List <>
Cc: Vera Keown <>
Subject: [Lib-virtual-ref] VR Software Trials: Volunteers Needed




We are evaluating chat software this month for our Ask A Librarian service.


We need volunteers!


Details on the vendors, trial instructions and signing-up to volunteer are available at:


We are beginning with SnapEngage. 


Stay tuned for trial announcements.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Thank you.


VR Coordinator




Bill Poluha | Librarian, Sciences and Technology Library | University of Manitoba | 204.293.5635 

Liaison for: AstronomyPhysics and Statistics