
I’ve amended the announcement to reflect information Carol Cooke posted to the list:

UpToDate Database Goes Province Wide


What is it?

UpToDate is a health care resource that includes the latest evidence with specific

practical recommendations for diagnosis and treatment covering primary care,

subspecialty internal medicine, ob/gyn, general surgery and paediatrics.


Who will access it?

Our license has been expanded to allow all health care providers in the province of Manitoba access.


Where can I find info about it?

You may be asked about UpToDate.  The following information has been prepared by Health Sciences Libraries for people currently using or who are new to UpToDate:


HSL LibGuide:



Where can I refer clients to for more information?

You will need to ask if they are located within or outside Winnipeg and refer them as follows:


·      Inside Winnipeg: healthlibrary@umanitoba.ca

·      Outside Winnipeg: mhiknet@umanitoba.ca

This update has been posted on the VR Staff Guide under the Updates tab:



VR Coordinator

Bill Poluha | Librarian, Sciences and Technology Library | University of Manitoba | 204.293.5635 

Liaison for: AstronomyPhysics, Math and Statistics