Please distribute the attached Current Funding Opportunities ORS Weekly Update (September 15/17) to researchers within your unit.


The ORS Upcoming Major Funding Opportunities search is maintained by the Office of Research Services (ORS). It promotes current and specific funding opportunities identified by ORS (both Canadian and International).

SPIN is a funding opportunity database owned by InfoEd Global and contains programs from more than 10,000 global sponsors (both Canadian and International). This site allows for keyword setup to receive funding alerts.


ORS deadlines for submitting research proposals and Funding Application Approval Forms, (unless otherwise posted) are as follows:


For large, complex grant applications, e.g., tri-agency major programs, those that require matching funds and/or additional institutional support, etc.:

•       2 weeks in advance of agency deadline

For other standard grants:

•       7 days in advance of agency deadline


As a reminder, researchers should work with the University’s Research Facilitators early in the proposal development stage, for assistance in strategic research planning and proposal review.


Thank you.



Lynne Wichenko

Research Grants Assistant

Office of Research Services

University of Manitoba

Temporarily Located in P309 Pathology Building

770 Bannatyne Avenue

Winnipeg, MB   R3E 0W3

Ph: 204.789.3377