When it comes to evidence informed practice everyone agrees that it sounds like a good idea but to many people are not sure what articles they should be considering. There is a great deal of variety in what the experts consider to be evidence based information but in the Library when you ask me for an evidence based literature search I focus my searching on looking for Randomized Controlled Trials, Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews. Here are some great descriptions on what you can expect from each of these different types of articles.


Types of Articles



Reviewing the articles


This article and websites might help you in reviewing the results I send you from my literature searches.



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Carol A. Cooke

Acting MHIKNET Librarian

Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library
University of Manitoba
e. carol.cooke@umanitoba.ca

p. 204-977-5660

c. 204-290-6710

w. http://mhiknet.lib.umanitoba.ca/