Dr. Adrian Owen is a Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience and Imaging from Western University (formerly UWO).  He will be in Winnipeg for International Brain Awareness Week March 15 and 16, and will deliver a public lecture at 6:30 pm Thursday March 15 in the Frederic Gaspard Theatre at the Bannatyne Campus.


Dr. Owen's work using brain imaging to detect awareness in an apparent comatose state has received widespread media attention.  See the following links for examples:






Please join President Barnard, Dean Postl and the Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience in welcoming Dr. Owen with a well-attended public lecture.


WHEN:   Thursday, March 15th, 2012

WHERE:  Frederic Gaspard Lecture Theatre (Theatre A)


CONTACT:  canderson@sbrc.ca






Chris M. Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

University of Manitoba

Principal Investigator, Division of Neurodegenerative Disorders

St. Boniface Hospital Research Center


President, Winnipeg Chapter, Society for Neuroscience

Director, Manitoba Neuroscience Network


T: 204.235.3946  │  F: 204.237.4092  │  E: canderson@sbrc.ca