Everyone is invited to attend…..



Manitoba Neuroscience Network Seminar:  Dr. Gilbert Kirouac


DATE:  Friday, May 27th, 2011
TIME:  9:00 am
LOCATION:  360  Helen Glass Bldg. (video-linked to Theatre “B”)


TOPIC: “Role of the midline thalamus in emotional arousal”.


Dr. Gilbert Kirouac
Associate Professor
Department of Oral Biology
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Manitoba

Dr. Kirouac’s laboratory is interested in the brain mechanisms that regulate emotions and motivation. They use a combination of tract tracing and immunohistochemistry to identify anatomical connections; in vivo electrophysiology to measure neuron activity; in vivo voltametry to measure neurotransmitter release; and neuropharmacology combined with behavioral tests to understand functional mechanism involved in emotional behavior. His seminar will discuss the emerging role for the paraventricular nucleus of the midline thalamus in the regulation of emotional arousal and negative emotional states following a painful and fear-inducing experience. The possible implications of this research for the development of novel drug treatments for post traumatic stress disorder will also be presented.


For more information, contact the MNN Office at

(T) 235.3939 or email: mnn@sbrc.ca

Presented in co-operation with University of Manitoba

Clinical Neuroscience Rounds


An initiative of:







Kelly Jorundson

Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience
R4046 – 351 Taché Avenue
Winnipeg, MB   R2H 2A6  CANADA

Tel:  204.235.3939   7Fax:  204.237.4092
Email:  wcsn@sbrc.ca   Website:  www.sfn-manitoba.ca