The Annual Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science Meeting will be held in Winnipeg at the Fort Garry Campus June 24-26, 2011. This meeting attracts visitors from all over Canada, as well as locations from around the world.
The Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS) is a non-profit organization whose primary function is to advance Canadian research in experimental psychology and behavioural neuroscience.
Conference details are available at:
Abstracts for talks and posters will be accepted until April 15th, 2011.
The Hebb Winner, Dr. Ellen Bialystok, will be here speaking on her research on how bilingualism influences brain plasticity and aging. Her talk is entitled "Reshaping the Mind: The Benefits of Bilingualism".
For more information contact:
Tammy L. Ivanco, PhD.
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
P415 Duff Roblin Building, 190 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB, R3T-2N2