This announcement is sent on behalf of MNN President, Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui and Host of the talk Dr. Jill Stobart:

MNN Visiting Speaker  

Thursday, January 16th, 2025

12 PM - 1 PM

Apotex 264




Dr. Andy Shih

Professor, University of Washington, Dept of Pediatrics and Bioengineering Principal Investigator,

Seattle Children's Research Institute, Center for Developmental Biology and Regenerative



“In Vivo Optical Dissection of Brain Capillary Function.”

 For bio, research profile & objectives, see attached.  

 All are welcome to attend!

 Please RSVP for Trainee Lunch


In-person attendance

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Ms. Protiti Khan, M.Sc.

Program Lead Technician
PrairieNeuro Research Centre
Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine
University of Manitoba
SR450-710 William Ave.
Winnipeg, MB. R3E 0Z3

Cell: (204)-599-8329
Office: (204)-318-2569
