Dear Manitoba Neuroscientists:


Each year the Society for Neuroscience offers travel grants through its local Chapters. The Winnipeg Chapter is now accepting applications from graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for this competition. A Chapter committee will rank the applications and forward the top-ranked applications to the Society for Neuroscience for adjudication. In the past our Chapter has successfully attracted several of these awards so I encourage all trainees travelling to the SFN 2011 meeting to submit applications for travel funds.


Please forward to

*       Completed student or postdoc application form (attached)

*       Copy of the abstract submitted for the SfN annual meeting

*       A one-page leter of recommendation from the nominee's mentor/advisor commenting on the nominee's contributions to neuroscience research

*       A one-page curriculum vitae from the nominee, including the following information:

o    Education (including the date at whicthe nominee advanced to Ph.D candidacy)

o    Honors/awards

o    Publications (abstracts and manuscripts)

DEADLINE:    MAY 26, 2011




Chris M. Anderson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

University of Manitoba

Principal Investigator, Division of Neurodegenerative Disorders

St. Boniface Hospital Research Center


President, Winnipeg Chapter, Society for Neuroscience

Director, Manitoba Neuroscience Network


T: 204.235.3946    F: 204.237.4092    E: