The Society for Neuroscience has unveiled its Chapter Travel Awards for the 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting in San Diego. The Winnipeg Chapter will be selecting 2 nominees for these awards – one graduate student and one postdoctoral fellow.
The following are the eligibility criteria:
- Nominees must be first author of an abstract to be presented at the annual meeting with an abstract of the highest scientific merit
- The nominee and his or her advisor must be active members of SfN (provide membership ID numbers)
- The nominee must be a graduate student who has advanced to candidacy for a PhD or a postdoctoral fellow
- Only one applicant from a given laboratory may be considered by a chapter in any given calendar year
- Nominee may not be nominated for an award two years in a row
- Nominee is not a recipient of another SfN travel award in the same year
If you are interested in applying please forward the following information to Kelly Jorundson ( by JUNE 5, 2013:
- Completed Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Trainee application
- Copy of the abstract submitted for the SfN annual meeting
- A one-page letter of recommendation from the nominee's mentor/advisor commenting on the nominee's contributions to neuroscience research
- Applicant’s one-page CV, including education (graduate student nominees must include the date they advanced to PhD candidacy and PhD nominees must include the date they were awarded their postdoctoral degree), honors/awards, and publications (abstracts and manuscripts)
Thanks and good luck!
Chris M. Anderson, Ph.D.
President, Winnipeg Chapter, Society for Neuroscience
T: 204.235.3946 F: 204.237.4092 E: