This announcement is sent on behalf of MNN President, Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui:

Neuroscience Grand Rounds - MNN Discovery Neuroscience 

Friday October 25, 2023

9:00 AM

Psychiatry Bldg. 2nd Floor Rm PX236/238




 Dr. Saeid Ghavami

 Associate Professor,

 Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science,

 University of Manitoba


“Cholesterol Modulation in Glioblastoma: A Pathway to Overcoming Chemoresistance in Cancer Therapy?”

For bio, research profile & objectives, see attached.  

All are welcome to attend!


This is a hybrid (in-person/virtual) seminar. However, in-person participation is encouraged.


Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 836 0700 7450

Passcode: 525419


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Ms. Protiti Khan, M.Sc.

Program Lead Technician
PrairieNeuro Research Centre
Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine
University of Manitoba
SR450-710 William Ave.
Winnipeg, MB. R3E 0Z3

Cell: (204)-599-8329
Office: (204)-318-2569
