/sent on behalf of

Dr. Katinka Stecina



Friday, October 22, 2021

11:30 am – 12:30pm


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TITLE: Subpopulations of V3 spinal interneurons that regulate task-dependent locomotor behaviors


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Ying Zhang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Medical Neuroscience

Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University





RESEARCH PROFILE: I have a long-standing interest in spinal interneuron circuits. My lab has been investigating their development, organization and function in locomotor behaviors under different physiological and pathological conditions. We have identified molecularly, physiologically, and functionally distinct subpopulations of spinal interneurons. We are characterizing their properties and connectivity in the sensory-motor circuitry and their function in the locomotor control. We are also exploring the developmental logic and mechanisms underlying the diversification of these spinal interneurons.


My talk will focus on one of the excitatory spinal neuronal populations, V3 interneurons. I will demonstrate that subpopulations of V3 neurons play unique roles in task-dependent locomotor activities. I will also elucidate our current understanding of the molecular identity of some V3 subpopulations and their diversification across hierarchically organized temporal and spatial developmental pathways.


All are welcome to attend!


For more information or problems with zoom please contact Dr. Katinka Stecina, Katinka.Stecina@umanitoba.ca

