
/sent on behalf of
Dr. Soheila Karimi

S P E C I A L   L E C T U R E
Presented by the Manitoba Neuroscience Network, Spinal Cord Research Centre,
Regenerative Medicine Program, and Department of Physiology & Pathophysiology



Friday, July  27th, 2018

2 pm



Room 431 - Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology
Basic Medical Sciences Bldg.   Bannatyne Campus




Professor and Canada Research Chair in Neuroimmunology

The Hotchkiss Brain Institute

University of Calgary

Director,  Alberta Multiple Sclerosis Network

Past President, International Society of Neuroimmunology


Modulating microglia and macrophage activity to improve neurological outcomes


Dr. V. Wee Yong is a Professor at the University of Calgary, Canada, and the Canada Research Chair in Neuroimmunology. He co-leads the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) NeuroTeam of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary, and he directs the provincial Alberta MS Network. Dr. Yong’s research interests lie in the area of neuroimmunology, neuroprotection and CNS regeneration, and his projects are guided by MS and brain tumors.  Dr. Yong has published 290 peer-reviewed manuscripts and his research has been translated into Phase III clinical trials in MS and spinal cord injury.  His work has been cited over 18,800 times by other authors (web of science; h-index of 76). Dr. Yong is a past chair of the Medical Advisory Committee of the MS Society of Canada; this and other volunteer activities resulted in him receiving the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Year Medallion.  Dr. Yong is on the editorial board of 7 international journals; he is the Honorary Editor-in-Chief of the journal Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation. He has been the President of the International Society of Neuroimmunology (2014-2016). Dr. Yong is an elected fellow of both the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the Royal Society of Canada. He is the 2017 Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine winner.


Some publications the past 5 years:

Lau L, Cua R, Keough MB, Haylock-Jacob S, Yong VW, Pathophysiology of the brain extracellular matrix: A new target for remyelination, Nature Rev Neurosci 14:722-729, 2013

Stephenson E, Nathoo N, Mahjoub Y, Dunn JF, Yong VW, Iron in Multiple Sclerosis: Roles in neurodegeneration and repair, Nature Rev Neurol 10:459-468, 2014

Sarkar S, Doring A, Zemp F, Silva C, Lun X, Wang X, Kelly J, Hader W, Hamilton M, Mercier P, Dunn JF, Kinniburgh D, van Rooijen N, Robbins S, Forsyth P, Cairncross G, Weiss S, Yong VW, Therapeutic activation of macrophages/microglia to suppress brain tumor-initiating cells, Nature Neurosci 17:46-55, 2014

Keough MB, Rogers JA, Zhang P, Jensen SK, Robertson E, Chen T, Lau LW, Rawji KS, Plemel JR, Koch M, Ling CC, Yong VW, An inhibitor of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan synthesis promotes CNS remyelination, Nature Communications 7:11312, 1-12, 2016

Clemente-Casares X, Blanco J, Ambalavalan P, Singha S, Yamanouchi J, Fandos C, Tsai S, Wang J, Agrawal S, Keough M, Yong VW, James E, Moore A, Yang Y, Stratmann T, Serra P, Santamaria P, Expanding antigen-specific regulatory networks to treat autoimmunity, Nature b530:434-440, 2016

Mishra MK, Yong VW, Myeloid cells: targets of medications in multiple sclerosis, Nature Rev Neurol 12:539-551, 2016

Metz LM, Li DKB, Traboulsee AL, Duquette P, Eliasziw M, Cerchiaro G, Greenfield J, Riddehough A, Yeung M, Kremenchutzky M, Vorobeychik G, Freedman MS, Bhan V, Blevins G, Marriott JJ, Grand'Maison F, Lee L, Thibault M, Hill MD, Yong VW for the Minocycline in MS Study Team, Trial of minocycline in clinically isolated syndrome of multiple sclerosis, New Engl J Med 376:2122-2133, 2017

Plemel JR, Liu WQ, Yong VW, Remyelination therapies: a new direction and challenge in multiple sclerosis, Nature Rev Drug Discovery 16:617-634, 2017

Faissner S, Mishra M, Wang J, Fan Y, Silva C, Rauw G, Metz L, Koch M, Yong VW, Systematic screening of generic drugs for progressive multiple sclerosis: Clomipramine as a promising therapeutic, Nature Communications 8:1990, 2017

Stephenson E, Mishra M, Moussienko D, Yong VW, Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans as novel drivers of leukocyte infiltration in multiple sclerosis, Brain 141:1094-1110, 2018

Sarkar S, Yang R, Rawji K, Poon C, Mirzaei R, Zemp FJ, Bose P, Kelly J, Dunn JF, Yong VW, Control of brain tumor growth by reactivating monocytes and macrophages with niacin, resubmission invited by Science Translational Med


For more information on this lecture, please contact

Soheila Karimi
Tel:  204.272.3109





Kelly Jorundson
Coordinator, Membership & Operations
Manitoba Neuroscience Network

Tel: 204.235.3939  Fax: 204.237.4092


St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre
Room R4046 - 351 Taché  Avenue,  Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6  CANADA



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