
Sent on behalf of Dr. Mike Namaka


Dear all,


The purpose of this email is to inform you that Dr. Karen Ethans and myself (Dr. Mike Namaka) have recently founded a specialized research  interest group called the "Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Network". This research network organization is a non-profit  organization that has a specific focus on the disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This organization was charged with the responsibility  of identifying all MS specialists and people with an inherent interest in advancing our knowledge in the field of MS.


The organization has drafted a preliminary outline identifying the core objectives of this special interest group which are as follows:


Preliminary - Draft of Objectives for this Special Interest Group


    * To identify those individuals in Manitoba with a specialized expertise or interest in multiple sclerosis (MS).

    * To foster research collaboration amongst those individuals in Manitoba with a specialized expertise in MS.

    * To facilitate knowledge transfer and dissemination amongst the identified areas of areas of MS expertise through cross training of undergraduate, graduate and medical students.

    * To apply the knowledge transfer obtained amongst the MS sub-specialties through the joint submission to peer-reviewed granting agencies (CIHR, MS Society) that lead to the publication of high impact peer-reviewed publications.

    * To establish a stronger presence of MS research in Manitoba that will lead to increased participation of the MS specialists of Manitoba in the National endMS program.


We are requesting your assistance in the distribution of this letter throughout your research units to assist us in identifying those individuals involved in MS research in Manitoba. We would like to extend an invitation to those individuals to join our organization free of charge. The organization meets quarterly and the next meeting will be held in the later part of December with a subsequent meeting held in March 2014.


Please email the program coordinator Claudia Cortes at claudiacortesp@gmail.com  asap to ensure your name and email are added to the membership list. Thanks very much for your consideration of this request. I look forward to

your reply at your earliest convenience.




Dr. Mike Namaka







Kelly Jorundson

Executive Assistant

Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience

R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue

Winnipeg, MB  R2H 2A6


Tel: 204.235.3939  Fax: 204.237.4092

Email:  kjorund@sbrc.ca  OR Kelly.jorundson@med.umanitoba.ca


Website:  www.sfn-manitoba.ca