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2015/2016 Seminar & Visiting Speaker Series
Michael P. Namaka http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/health_sciences/pharmacy/staff/namaka.htm l
Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy
Associate Professor in Rehab Medicine (Spinal Cord Injury) & Human Anatomy and Physiology, College of Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba
DATE: Friday, October 30th, 2015 | 9:00 am
TOPIC: Transcriptional Regulation of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) by Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 (MeCP2): Implications
in Re-myelination and/or Myelin Repair in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
LOCATION: PX236/238 PsychHealth Bldg.
Professional Expertise: * Multiple Sclerosis * Chronic Neuropathic Pain * Molecular Neurobiology * White
Matter Disorders (Spinal Cord Injury) * Clinical Trial Development
Professional Summary: At present Michael Namaka is a Tenured Associate Professor at the College of Pharmacy and Medicine in
the University of Manitoba. In addition, Dr. Namaka is also cross-appointed as an Associate Professor in Rehab Medicine (Spinal
Cord Injury) & Human Anatomy and Physiology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba and the Winnipeg Regional
Health Authority. Michael also is affiliated with Anesthesia Department of Medicine where he has an active clinical practice in the
chronic pain clinic with Dr. Howard Intrater. Currently, Michael functions as clinician specialized in multiple sclerosis (MS) and chronic
pain, with a recognized cellular expertise in both areas, through his professional designation as a neuro-immunologist. These dual
professional designations have allowed Michael to bridge his cellular neuro-immunology research to his neurology based clinical
practice. Michael heads a neuro-immunology research laboratory, which serves as the training center for several MD-Ph D; Ph D and
Master's students. Since his appointment at the Faculty 13 years ago, Michael holds numerous research grants and has published 43
manuscripts, 2 book chapters, 1 editorial letter, 58 abstracts, and has performed 139 invited presentations world-wide. In addition,
Dr. Namaka had 4 submitted and 4 accepted publications this year. Dr. Michael Namaka was awarded the prestigious international:
"Commitment to Care Award for his innovative MS research and clinical neurology practice. In addition, Michael held the elected
office of Immediate Past President of Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada since May 2010. Currently, Dr. Namaka is the
acting President of the Manitoba Multiple Sclerosis Research Network Organization (MMSRNO). Dr. Karen Ethans and Dr. Namaka are
the original co-founders of this organization.
Program Objectives: 1. Understand the role of the anatomical connection between the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and spinal cord
(SC) in the molecular signaling involved in re-myelination and/or myelin repair; 2. Understand the homeostatic molecular signaling
between cytokines, chemokines and neurotrophins that regulate re-myelination and/or myelin repair; 3. Understand the beneficial
role of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in regard to re-myelination and/or myelin repair; 4. Understand the upstream role of
MeCP2 and its isoforms in the regulation (repression and activation) of the BDNF gene; 5. Understand the molecular mechanisms by
which MeCP2E1 isoform represses BDNF expression to disrupt the homeostatic signaling equilibrium between cytokines, chemokines
and neurotrophins to facilitate myelin damage; 6. Apply epigenetic interventional strategies to block MeCP2E1 repression of BDNF
to promote re-myelination and/or myelin repair with corresponding improvements in neurological disability caused by an immune
system mediated attack on CNS myelin.
Kelly Jorundson Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience R4046 - 351 Tache Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6
Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092 Email: kjorund@sbrc.ca OR kjorund@yahoo.ca
Website: www.sfn-manitoba.ca