


/sent on behalf of

Katinka Stecina




Friday, December 11, 2020

12:00 – 1:00pm


Meeting ID: 889 0062 4248 Passcode: 734656



Dr. Michael Lane, PhD

Primary Investigator; Associate Professor,

Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy

Drexel University College of Medicine

Philadelphia, PA


“Spinal Cord Injury, Plasticity and Spinal interneurons"


Research Profile: Michael began research in spinal cord injury during his undergraduate research at the

University of Tasmania. After graduating with Bachelor of Science (Hons), Michael completed his PhD with

Norman Saunders at the University of Melbourne. In 2005, he began postdoctoral training at the

Universities of Melbourne and Florida (with David Howells and Paul Reier, respectively), before accepting a

non-tenure track position at the University of Florida in 2009. After receiving funding from the National

Institute of Health (R01) in 2012, Michael accepted a position with the Spinal Cord Research Center at

Drexel University to continue his research into spinal cord injury, neuroplasticity and strategies to optimize

repair and lasting functional recovery. Now an Associate Professor, funded by the NIH and research

foundations, Michael is actively pursuing cell therapies and rehabilitative strategies to promote recovery of

breathing after cervical spinal cord injury.


For more information contact Dr. Katinka Stecina,


All are Welcome to Attend


Spinal Cord Research Centre

Department of Physiology & Pathophysiology

Max Rady College of Medicine

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Manitoba

745 Bannatyne Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canada  R3E 0J9







