Hello fellow nursing students and Faculty,

We are fourth-year nursing students at the University of Manitoba that are currently in our community clinical rotation at Agape Table!

Agape Table is an independent, charitable, and non-profit organization established in 1980 to help nourish the mind, spirit, and body of Winnipeg’s most vulnerable sector. Agape works to improve the lives of those in need by welcoming everyone to its table without judgment or bias, offering food, friendship, and support. We are currently working on a project aimed at addressing the hydration, and first aid needs of our most vulnerable community members. These include men, women, children, the homeless, working people, low-income seniors, single parents, persons with disabilities, and newcomers.

Inadequate access to drinking water can have a negative impact on the individual’s health and well-being, especially during the hot summer months. Our hydration community project aims to provide sustainable solutions and support to ensure every community member can access safe hydration options. 

Donations can be made in person at Agape Table, 364 Furby Street in Winnipeg, from 0700h - 1400h Monday to Friday. Monetary donations can be made at the link below. 

Donation Link: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E920352QE&id=2 

Instructions for donations: 

Step 1: Please check the box that says “I would like to dedicate this donation”

Step 2: In the drop-down box that says “type of tribute” choose “in honour of” 

Step 3: In the drop-down box that says “tribute name” type in UOFM NURSING STUDENTS 

Tax donation receipts (for donations of $20 or more) are available upon request and recognition on social media and Agape Table’s website!

For more information or questions, please contact Krystal Frechette at umfrechk@myumanitoba.ca or Dave Feniuk at Davef@agapetable.ca

Thank you for your consideration in helping make sure that our vulnerable communities in Winnipeg are being taken care of.


Zahra Rezaie, Mary Fasina, Arizza Yanto, and Krystal Frechette