Hi everyone!
I know we’re all reeling in on the end of term and I hope your studies are going well! I just wanted to let you know that the Manitoba Gerontological Nursing Association (MGNA) reached out to the NSA, and they are looking for nursing students to get involved
in the association. Their next general meeting is being held at Concordia Hospital on November 28, 2023, at 6pm. Following the meeting there will also be an education session on Reducing the Experience of Homelessness for Older Adults. Please see the attached
poster for more information. I have also attached a copy of their brochure to this email in case you are interested in joining the MGNA.
Thank you,
Olivia Molyneaux (she/her)
Vice Stick | Nursing Students' Association
College of Nursing | Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
Telegram: liv_moly