Dear colleagues and students,
Unfortunately, Dr. Van Bewer’s presentation on November 14th is cancelled. We hope to reschedule Dr. Van Bewer’s presentation in the 2024 series.
I invite you to visit our archive of presentations at the link below.
Grand Rounds will resume on January 9th, 2024.
Upcoming Presentations
December 2023 – Happy Holidays, no presentation.
Tuesday January 9th, 2024 12:00-1:00 pm
Dr. Barbara Tallman RN, MN, PhD,
Instructor II, College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences University of Manitoba;
Applying a relational perspective to understand how intimate couples accomplish life together when one person has dementia.
Tuesday February 13th, 2024 12:00-1:00 pm
Emily Hyde, RN, MN, PhD(C), CCN(C), Vanier Scholar, Applied Health Sciences, University of Manitoba & Cardiac Sciences,
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority; Title: Early mobility to improVE health outcomes following cardiac surgery (EVE) Clinical Feasibility Trial Development.
The Clinical Chair Program, supported by the Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba College of Nursing, and the Health Sciences
Centre Foundation, aims to foster clinically relevant research partnerships, networks and synergies fueling nursing research and clinical innovation, enhancing knowledge translation, and supporting improved patient outcomes. The goal of this free monthly
virtual speaker series is the creation of a space for clinicians, researchers, scholars, and students to share knowledge, expertise, insights, and questions to spark ideas and connection to strengthen nursing research and practice, building a strong nursing
community across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwestern Ontario, and beyond! We hope to see you there!
Dr. Diana E. McMillan, RN, PhD,
Associate Professor, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba,
Clinical Chair, Health Sciences Centre.
Interested in presenting? Please email Diana.
Dr. Diana E. McMillan, RN, PhD
Associate Professor, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba &
Clinical Chair, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
** Please email as I am often working remotely or offsite.
McMillan, D.E., Brown, D.B., Rieger, K.L., Duncan, G., Plouffe, J., Amadi, C.C., & Jafri, S. (2023). Patient and family perceptions of a discharge bedside board.
Patient Education and Counseling – Innovation, 3, e100214. Elsevier, Online.