Dear Colleagues, 


Thank you for sharing your thoughts in the Workplace Culture Survey earlier in summer. It was helpful to gain your perspectives on the current environment at the College of Nursing and how we can further promote a positive workplace culture. 


Please find attached the summary report from the survey. The Leadership team would like to better understand these results in order to effectively engage in enhancing the workplace environment. As such, the Workplace Culture committee has been asked to host consultation sessions to gather more detailed perspectives from you in relation to the two main themes that emerged: i) a desire for more communication, transparency, and discussion around day-to-day processes and decisions in the CON; and ii) increasing presence/engagement of faculty and staff. 


Please join us to engage in an open group discussion about what we want these aspects of our workplace environment to look like and how we can get there!


Instructors and Tenure-Track Faculty: 

Wednesday November 22nd at 12:00pm (in-person Room 326 Helen Glass)

Thursday November 30th at 2:00pm (MS Teams)

*feel free to attend one or both sessions

Support Staff:

Monday November 27th at 2:00pm (in-person Room 218 Helen Glass)


Directors and Administration Team:

Monday December 4th at 3:00pm (in-person Room 218 Helen Glass)


We hope you will take the time to join us and contribute to enhancing the workplace culture at the College of Nursing!

Kind regards,
Jamie on behalf of 

CON Workplace Culture Committee

College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Helen Glass Centre for Nursing

89 Curry Place

Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.