Hi All,


In follow up to the below. Apparently, all the spots filled up very quickly and the courses are now full.


LOD is looking at adding more dates and if they can, the dates will open for registration by the end of this week.



Thank you,



From: Lisa Wong <Lisa.Wong@umanitoba.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 2:19 PM
To: nursing-academics@lists.umanitoba.ca; nursing-staff@lists.umanitoba.ca; Nursing-Supstaff@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: FW: Inclusive Hiring Practices - new workshop for May


Attn: Supervisors & Hiring Committees of Support Staff


Please see the below new Learning and Development (LOD) opportunity. If you are often partaking in hiring support staff within the College, we encourage you to sign up for the below session.





Lisa Wong

Operations Manager

College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

University of Manitoba

Office 268 Helen Glass, 89 Curry Place

Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2


Phone: 204.474.6546




NOTICE: I will be going on maternity leave, my last day of work will be May 10, 2024.





From: Beniamino Di Geronimo <Beniamino.DiGeronimo@umanitoba.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 8:36 AM
To: psu-hris@lists.umanitoba.ca
Cc: Sandra Woloschuk <Sandra.Woloschuk@umanitoba.ca>
Subject: [psu-hris] Inclusive Hiring Practices - new workshop for May


Please share this message with those in your unit who are involved in the hiring of support staff.


Learning and Organizational Development, Human Resources, is offering a new workshop this spring, ‘Inclusive Hiring Practices’, to support the university’s strategic priorities relating to diversity, inclusion, accessibility and belonging. The workshop is designed for anyone who is involved in the hiring process for support staff employees and would benefit hiring managers, those who screen applications, and those who sit on selection committees.


There are three sessions scheduled for May as listed below.  To register, visit: https://umanitoba.gosignmeup.com/Public/Course/Browse


Inclusive Hiring Practices


     Wednesday, May 8, 9:00am to noon, or

     Thursday, May 9, 9:00 am to noon, or

     Tuesday, May 21, 9:00am to noon


141 Education Building – LOD Learning Centre



Those involved in recruitment, selection, hiring and onboarding functions for non-academic employees hold special responsibilities when conducting these activities. This workshop provides a foundation of knowledge that will support our institutional efforts to have consistent and widespread integration of inclusive hiring practices.


During this workshop, participants will explore implicit bias and how it can impact decision making; consider ways that bias is can be present in our hiring processes; practice applying mitigating tactics and strategies to address bias in the hiring process; and review the resources in the hiring toolkit that support an inclusive hiring process.  By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: describe ways that implicit bias shows up in the hiring process and apply practical strategies and techniques to mitigate individual and systemic bias.


This is an interactive workshop and includes small and large group discussion, individual reflections, group activities and case studies where you will be able to practice and develop your skills.


Message sent by Beniamino Di Geronimo on behalf of:


Sandra Woloschuk

Associate Director, Learning & Organizational Development

Human Resources

309 Administration Bldg.

