*Please find the email below, sent on behalf of Angela Shank, Faculty Recruitment and Administration, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences*


Good morning, all,


As part of the Decanal Search to find the next Dean of the College of Nursing, we invite all administrative and support staff in the College of Nursing to meet with the two candidates as a group.


Candidate 1: Dr. Kellie Thiessen

Thursday, June 13th, 10:00am-10:45am, HG 218


Candidate 2: Dr. Erna-Snelgrove-Clarke

Tuesday, June 25th, 9:00am-9:45am, HG 218


You are also welcome to attend each candidate’s Public Presentation, which will be advertised widely very soon.


We encourage you to send any comments or feedback on the candidates to Angela.Shank@umanitoba.ca by June 30th for the committee to review.



Angela Shank


Faculty Recruitment and Administration

Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences