Message from Dr. Kelley Main, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
To: Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows
CC: Graduate Chairs, Department Heads, Graduate Support Staff,
The University of Manitoba, Faculty of Graduate Studies is pleased to support the Graduate
and Postdoctoral Development Network (GPDN) in hosting the annual online Career Symposium for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars, November
19-21, 2024. It is aimed at professional development and career exploration for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Presentations
by GPDN members and invited experts cover topics including inspirational keynotes, career self-assessments, resumes, informational interviews, and networking.
Registration for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and staff who work in graduate student and postdoctoral fellow professional development of registered universities is available at no cost. Event
details can be found at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/canadian-career-symposium-for-graduate-students-and-postdoctoral-fellows-tickets-1028291406277
Registration is now open, we encourage you to review the attached agenda and register for
any workshops that may be of interest to you.
This message is available in alternate formats upon request to graduate.studies@umanitoba.ca