Hello Plant Science,


The PSGSA is inviting you to kick off this summer with our Pre-Victoria Weekend Barbecue next Thursday, May 18th


Join us at 1:00 PM in the Agriculture courtyard for hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks, and frozen refreshments, served up by your very own plant science graduate students, only $2 per person! Plant-protein options will also be available.


See the attached posters for more information.


All members of FAFS are welcome to attend, including staff, students, and alumni from all departments. We hope to see you there! 🍁


Please feel free to message me with any questions or thoughts you may have.


Thank you,


Jared Bento, PSGSA Social Coordinator

B.Sc. Agriculture - Plant Biotechnology 

Graduate Student

Department of Plant Science

University of Manitoba

Phone: 204-891-1273

Email: bentoj@myumanitoba.ca