From: Top Crop Manager West <>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 9:02 AM
To: Bev Godard <>
Subject: Lessening the impact of Fusarium head blight in cereals


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Jul 18, 2024




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Canola Watch warns about risk factors from warm weather

Producers should be on the watch for warm temperatures, according to recent advice from the Canola Watch. High temperatures can reduce flower reproductive function in canola from bud to mid-flowering stages, increase the risk of disease and cause some unique challenges for spraying a fungicide. » Read more...

Looking out for Lygus bugs

Lygus bugs cause yield loss in a wide range of crops, including canola, soybean and alfalfa, by feeding on the plants. The wounds they make in plant tissue also leave room for infection from disease pathogens. Scouting is the first step toward effective management. » Read more...

Saskatchewan canola is furthest behind in development

Saskatchewan Agriculture reports good overall crop conditions between July 2 to 8 with canola and spring cereals being the furthest behind the normal stages of development for this time of year in the province. Given the high heat and humidity, conditions may be conducive to disease development - and producers are on the watch. » Read more...




Lessening the impact of Fusarium head blight in cereals

Fusarium head blight (FHB) continues to be a challenge across the Prairies. While there are management strategies available, current solutions provide suppression at best. Researchers initiated two studies to determine potential management strategies and, more specifically, if row spacing (wheat only), water volumes (barley only), seeding rates and fungicide timing and their potential interactions affect FHB development, leaf disease and crop productivity in wheat and barley. » Read more...



Potash fertilizer use in Prairie dry regions

Although potash fertilizer has been shown to improve plant resistance to stresses such as diseases, drought and cold, and help optimize yields for crops such as barley and wheat, little information is available about the potential of potash fertilizer in these drier region crops. Researchers are investigating this potential in crops such as durum wheat, mustard and chickpeas, commonly grown in the Brown soil zone areas. » Read more...



Ag In Motion

July 16, 2024 | Langham, Saskatchewan »

Alberta Crop Diagnostic Days

July 23-24, 2024 | Vermillion and Donnelly, Alberta » Read More...

AgSmart Educational Expo

July 30, 2024 | Olds, Alberta »

Organic and Low Input Field Day

July 31, 2024 | Swift Current, Saskatchewan »




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