From: Top Crop Manager West <>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 9:05 AM
To: Bev Godard <>
Subject: Report calls for soil preservation | Climate-smart cropping systems


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Jun 13, 2024



Agriculture and Forestry report calls for Canadian soil preservation

A new report by the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry makes 25 recommendations to the federal government to work with the Canadian agricultural and forestry sectors, as well as municipal, provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments, to tackle soil degradation and preservation aggressively. » Read more...


Agriculture in the Classroom: Brightening the Future of Ag

Cultivate curiosity in the Ag leaders of tomorrow. » Read more...

Realized net income for Canadian farmers rose in 2023

Statistics Canada reported an increase of realized net income for Canadian farmers rising 18.3 per cent to $14.5 billion in 2023, as growth in receipts offset the rise in expenses. The increase in 2023 followed a 4.1 per cent decline in 2022 and a 69.6 per cent increase in 2021. » Read more...

Insect watch is on for pea leaf weevil and cereal leaf beetle

Pea leaf weevil and cereal leaf beetle were the most recent insects of the week, highlighted by Meghan Vankosky on the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (PPMN). The pea leaf weevil - now present in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba - causes damage to field pea and faba bean crops during the adult stage and during larval development. Cereal leaf beetle is expected to become a widespread and problematic pest. » Read more...




Climate-smart cropping systems for the Prairies

Well-designed cropping systems can achieve multiple goals simultaneously, helping growers optimize crop productivity at the same time as improving whole-farm sustainability and resiliency. Understanding the complex interactions between crops and the trade-offs and synergies among different cropping systems will be key to helping growers identify productive, sustainable and resilient cropping systems and adapt to climate change. » Read more...



Crown rust in oats

Crown rust in oats is a royal pain. It is a worldwide problem wherever oats grow, except in dry, arid areas. In 2023, 90 per cent of fields surveyed had the disease, with an average of 45 per cent of the plants being infected and an infection severity slightly higher than what was observed in 2022. There's no denying this perennial disease needs dethroning. » Read more...



Canada’s Farm Show

June 18, 2024 | Regina »

Ag In Motion

July 16, 2024 | Langham, Saskatchewan »




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