Michigan State Plant Breeding 2 Fight Hunger online course


More info can be found at:


Plant Breeding 14 Week Online Course. Application Deadline is April 30, 2023. Participants awarded a certificate upon completion of course.

I would really appreciate you sharing the link with your team and with your contacts. The registration deadline is at the end of this month so, there's time.


Thanks much!





Cholani Weebadde, Ph.D.(She/Her/Hers)

Associate Professor & Plant Breeder for International Programs

Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences

384-D, Plant and Soil Sciences Building

Michigan State University

1066 Bogue Street

East Lansing, MI 48824, USA


Phone: 517 355 0159

Fax: 517 432 1982

Email: weebadde@anr.msu.edu