

If you have confidential documents that should be shredded, please bring the boxes to room 230 Plant Science by June 28th.


Thanks and regards,


Alina Skorobohatova


University of Manitoba

Department of Plant Science

Rm 222, Agriculture Building

66 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3T 2N2

phone 204.474.8221 | fax 204.474.7528

* e-mail alina.skorobohatova@umanitoba.ca



From: Alina Skorobohatova
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 4:03 PM
To: Plants-all@lists.umanitoba.ca
Subject: Shredding of Confidential Documents




I am in the process of having Shred-it come to dispose of confidential documents. If you have confidential documents that should be shredded, please bring the boxes to room 222 Plant Science by June 25th.


Thanks and regards,


Alina Skorobohatova


University of Manitoba

Department of Plant Science

Rm 222, Agriculture Building

66 Dafoe Road

Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3T 2N2

phone 204.474.8221 | fax 204.474.7528

* e-mail alina.skorobohatova@umanitoba.ca