From: Top Crop Manager West <>
Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 9:02 AM
To: Bev Godard <>
Subject: Long-term agroecosystem experiments on the Canadian Prairies


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Jul 4, 2024



Government invests in the Canadian organic industry

To mark the 15th anniversary of the Canada Organic Regime, the Government of Canada announced an investment of more than $2 million to the Canada Organic Trade Association and the Prairie Organic Development Fund through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. » Read more...

New DNA-based test for tall waterhemp

20/20 Seed Labs Inc. introduced a new DNA-based test for tall waterhemp, which complements their existing Palmer amaranth test. Now both weeds are indicated in the test for easier identification from other weeds, such as redroot pigweed. This provides Canadian farmers with valuable information to protect their yield. » Read more...

Adoption increased for soil-conserving spring wheat fertilizer practices

Spring wheat was included in the annual fertilizer use survey between 2021 and 2023 - the first time it was included since 2016. After three years of surveys, valuable information on the common fertilizer practices for spring wheat have emerged. » Read more...




Long-term agroecosystem experiments on the Canadian Prairies

For more than 100 years, agroecosystem experiments have provided unique and valuable insights into modern cropping systems. Long-term agroecosystem experiments (LTAEs) have been in place on the Canadian Prairies for more than a century, providing invaluable long-term, multi-decadal experimental systems for testing new research questions and evaluating management strategies for a variety of challenges, including weeds and soil health. » Read more...



ICYMI: Water availability and crop outcomes in Prairie cropping systems

Hydrology, snowfall accumulation and snowmelt, spring and fall rains, and their interactions are all very important factors driving crop growth in water-limited dryland areas. Although the weather can’t be changed, building more resilience into cropping systems to manage the impacts of increasingly variable weather conditions and optimizing crop water availability on the Prairies is imperative. » Read more...



International Farm Management Congress

July 7, 2024 | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan »

Ag In Motion

July 16, 2024 | Langham, Saskatchewan »

AgSmart Educational Expo

July 30, 2024 | Olds, Alberta »




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