Hi everyone, 

I hope all is well! 

As most of you are aware, the University has slowly began lifting restrictions. You should have received a PDF file “Plant Science Research Covid-19 Management Plans" from your PI regarding the guidelines that must be followed. If you did not receive it, I have attached a copy below. However, this does not mean that you are free to come and go as you wish. If you have not received permission from your PI, you are not to be in any of the buildings.

If you have received permission, it is important that you are only in the buildings/on campus during your designated time and that you fill out the mandatory survey that Bev sent upon entering and exiting https://forms.gle/gqTzEjWb2XQ3sYW96. There will be random checks. If you are caught on campus outside of your designated time you will be punished (1st violation - 2 week suspension, 2nd violation - indefinitely). You are only hurting yourself! 

A few other things to note...
1) Grad offices will remain OFF LIMITS. 
2) Grad lounge will remain OFF LIMITS. You cannot access the lounge for any reason (fridge, microwave, coffee). You can eat in the courtyard if you wish. 

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask! 

Take care,