Bev Godard

Secretary to the Department Head

Department of Plant Science

222 Agriculture Building

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2

PH:  204-474-8563

FAX: 204-474-7528


From: Jo-Anne Joyce
Sent: August-21-15 2:33 PM
To: Bev Godard
Subject: Vernalization room


Hello, Bev.


Would you please send this to everyone in Plant Science who might have plants in the vernalisation room?






Hello, Everyone.


This is a reminder to check the vernalisation room for plants you may have forgotten or lost track of.  There are a number flowering just now, and space is at a premium, as usual.  We would very much appreciate your removing any plants which have outstayed their welcome, by Wednesday, August 26th.


Thank you.


Cathy Bay &

Jo-Anne Joyce