-----Original Appointment-----
From: Belay Ayele (3698) [mailto:belay.ayele@umanitoba.ca]
Sent: January 27, 2021 10:25 PM
To: Belay Ayele (3698); Bev Godard
Subject: PLNT-7250 Seminar - Plant spatial arrangement to maximize spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in Manitoba.
When: February 2, 2021 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://umanitoba-ca2.meets.cirqlive.com/pages/guest.exe?meets_access_eventId=74372&meets_access_pageType=event&meets_access_sectionId=6695&meets_access_version=2&meets_url=PTSG9EayNwGArOiQaJ8W2ZrZNxZUpD0fHNRJgYnFctN93_h7YCjS3FvqU8cbA5Sr


Caution: This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.

From: Belay Ayele (belay.ayele@umanitoba.ca)

Hi, I'd like to invite you to attend the following seminar:

PLNT-7250 Seminar - Plant spatial arrangement to maximize spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield in Manitoba.

Presenter: Samantha Clemis

1 hours

This link will allow you to view other time zones as well as join the event once it begins.